Rename Age of Mythology : Titans RCX recorded game files. |
:: Software :: AOMRecordedRenamer |
Note: You will need the .NET framework v1.1 installed for this to work. You can find the framework at either Windows Update or from here. DescriptionAOMRecordedRenamer allows you to rename your Age of Mythology : Titans RCX recorded game files with ease. You can select from many different options of data retrieved from the recorded game to insert as text in the renamed file. Data replacements are as follows:{YYYY} / {YY} = Year (either as 4 digit or 2). {MM} / {M} = Month (either as fixed 2 digit, or whatever fits) {DD} / {D} = Day (either as fixed 2 digit, or whatever fits) {hh} / {h} = Hour - 12-hour format (either as fixed 2 digit, or whatever fits) {ii} / {i} = Hour - 24-hour format (either as fixed 2 digit, or whatever fits) {mm} / {m} = Minute (either as fixed 2 digit, or whatever fits) {ss} / {s} = Second (either as fixed 2 digit, or whatever fits) {am} = am/pm {map} = Map name or scenario name {shortmap} = Short map name or scenario name {mode} = Game mode (ie: Supremacy, Deathmatch, Lightning, ...) {shortmode} = Shortened game mode {comp} = The text "human" if a game includes only human players, or "computer" if there are computer players present {numplayers} = Number of players in the game {numteams} = Number of teams in the game {myname} = Name of player who recorded the game {myciv} = Chosen civilization of player who recorded the game {shortmyciv} = Shortened chosen civilization of player who recorded the game {myrate} = Rating of player who recorded the game at time of game start {myraterounded} = Rating (rounded to the nearest point) of player who recorded the game at time of game start {myteam} = Team number of player who recorded the game {vs} = Players per team matchups (ie: "1v1" or "2v2v2v2") {name} = (Per player only) Name of player {civ} = (Per player only) Chosen civilization of player {shortciv} = (Per player only) Shortened chosen civilization of player {rate} = (Per player only) Rating of player at time of game start {raterounded} = (Per player only) Rating (rounded to the nearest point) of player at time of game start {team} = (Per player only) Team number of player Screen ShotsHistory
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